21st Century Training

The concept of training people has been around for millennia. As time has gone by, the means of doing so have changed, in most cases for the better. The most common means of training with respect to businesses is now via the internet. The use of an online training platform in a corporate setting has become as common a business practise as the presence of computers in an office. Employers are learning more and more that the cheapest means of improving productivity is by using a web based training software.


Doing this means reduced costs, improved innovation as well diminished employee turnover rates. Existing employees can learn new tasks and practises by logging onto their computer and going through courses that have been assigned by their employer. They go at their own pace, with minimal confusion and without disturbing their boss with constant questioning. Furthermore employers no longer have to set up in person training seminars, which are costly enough without even taking into account travel costs.


While there is still something to be said for in-person learning, all things taken into account for a business, an effective online training platform is undoubtedly the best training method while keeping costs low. It yields the greatest ROI while retaining nearly all the benefits of any other form of training. Any business practice that returns the greatest profit on its initial investment is always a good business practice. So why invest in any training method other than online training? It would be foolish to do so

LMS for Businesses

Companies always want to find the cheapest way to get the most out of their employees. At the end of the day, a business’ success lies heavily on the productivity of its workers. But how exactly do you ensure your staff is producing? It’s tough to know when a worker’s knowledge or diligence has slipped. Enter an effective LMS software, which allows you to train, monitor and test your employees to be sure they’re fulfilling their potential for your business. Using this type of software allows you to worry about the real issues of your business instead of just monitoring employee work.

A good online training software is the cheapest and most effective way to train employees, yielding the highest ROI of any type of employee training program. After implementing one, an employer can expect to see:


  • improved productivity
  • higher profits
  • increased employee motivation
  • reduced employee turnover
  • higher business efficiency


These benefits are despite its fractional cost relative to in-person training. Moreover, this is all done over the convenience of the internet so your learners can go through your training material at their own pace.


Give yourself some peace of mind and invest some time and money into a good LMS software. It’s cheap, effective and one of the best long-term investments you can make for your business.You will quickly see the fruits of your labour.

Installing vs.Cloud Computing

Computers have been around for decades but the eruption of the internet is a more recent phenomena. Classically, when people used computer software, it would first be received in some format of storage media and subsequently installed on the user’s computer hard drive. In essence, the media would be stored locally with no connection to the interwebs. Nowadays however, software and apps can actually be internet applications and require no installation whatsoever. Whether it be a video game or an LMS (Learning Management System) all types of different media is accessed through the web these days. This new trend is referred to as cloud computing and has significantly eased the means by which users gain access to computer software.

For example, back in the earlier days kids would rush to their nearest computer store to get their hands on a copy of the newest video game. They would then take this CD (or floppy disk) and install it on their computer to start playing the game. Today, there are thousands of games all over the internet which can be played from home without having to install a single file. Or, more recently, many companies purchase computer training software for their employees. The training software sometimes requires installation on each and every computer that uses the software. Conversely, a company can find an online training software where all of the content is stored on the cloud. No files are even saved on the computer as everything is run through and saved on the internet.

The traditional method of installing software means having to always have the data storage device on hand if a different computer is used. Moreover, installations are usually time-consuming and require storage space on a local hard disk to install and save any accompanying program files. With the enormity of the internet around the world, and access to it from nearly anywhere, cloud computing allows for access to software regardless of what computer it is being used by. Regardless of where in the world it is being used from, the experience will be the same. It’s a huge time saver and has changed the landscape of computer software.

Whether it be computer games, online training software, word processing software, or any type of computer software or application, cloud computing has become the 21st century method of software access. In the coming decades, I’d be willing to bet storage media will be out of use entirely, which would be amazing progress indeed

Web Based Training Software

Times are changing. Technology is constantly improving and industry standards are always being altered. The life of a small to medium business owner is getting more and more difficult in today’s ultra-competitive climate. To have a shot at competing long-term, businesses need to always keep an eye on what’s going on in their industry to make sure that that their company doesn’t fall behind, and having an informed, knowledgeable staff is one of the most important factors in determining the success or failure of a business. Hiring the right people is an obvious key to that, but it doesn’t stop there. Maintaining employee competence is nearly just as important as hiring the right people to begin with. After all, what good is a brilliant employee hire if he ends up being lazy and useless 3 months into the job?

So what’s the most efficient method of keeping employees sharp and up to speed? An effective web based training software is the solution to any business’ training needs.

Online training is a new phenomenon that has taken much of the business world by storm. It allows companies to track, monitor and train employees in any which way they choose without physically hovering around their staff and making sure they’re completing their assigned tasks. Employers don’t have to worry nearly as much about what their employees are doing if they’ve enrolled them into their training platform. It gives employers the freedom to worry about things more pertinent to the success of their business as opposed to the diligence of their staff.

As an employer, why not invest a bit of money into a web based training software? Research has shown that it yields a great return on your investment. If you plan on keeping your staff around for a number of years (and let’s face it, when you’re hiring you’re usually hoping that employee is a fixture in the future of your company), having some sort of training platform will undoubtedly ensure that at the very least, your staff knows your industry. Of course this is assuming you create courses online that are beneficial to your staff. That part is up to you. But websites like SkyPrep give you the means to do exactly that. Do that, and your staff will be as informed as you need them to be!

What To Look For In A Good Online Training Platform

The trend for businesses to use an online training platform to monitor and educate employees has grown rapidly over the last several years. More and more you are seeing companies implement an eLearning software because it gives them an opportunity to create online training courses for their staff to go through. It’s usually the most cost-efficient and effective way to convey valuable training knowledge to an employee, making it a common and near-fundamental factor in operating a successful business.

However, by the same token it’s imperative that a business selects an effective software to create online training courses. A powerful, yet simple online training platform is usually the best type since it allows you to train your employees with the least amount of headache. With many of these complicated platforms, you’ll find you’ll need to take a course just to learn how to use the software! If you choose a good one though, you’ll find that the perks for your business are plentiful.

Here are a few things to look for when selecting an online training platform:


  • A platform that allows you to upload content to a database, THEN create online training courses as opposed to uploading directly to a course

            Nearly all LMS platforms allow you to create courses, but most ask you to upload content directly to a course you are creating as opposed to your cloud database on the platform itself. The benefit of uploading to the database is a big one – never uploading the same content more than once. If you upload your learning content to a database, you can pick and choose from all of your content when you are creating a course. In essence, when you’re creating a course, you’re selecting from a pool of content you’ve already made. It’s a more structured approach. For whatever reason, most online training platforms are not designed like this as they ask you to upload content when you are actually creating a course. It leads to a lot of duplicate uploads.


  • A simple and user-friendly interface

Don’t be fooled by fancy interfaces that use a lot of Flash content. Sure, it looks cool and lavish, but this sort of stuff adds no substance to your online training platform while slowing it down considerably. Moreover, these sorts of interfaces are usually complicated and cumbersome to use. Stick with a simple, slick interface that does everything you need it to do without needless animations that slow down the software. Creating online training courses is the goal here, so any useless feature that impedes that process is a bad thing.


  • A platform that doesn’t require installation on your hard drive

It’s easiest and most convenient when you don’t have to install you’re online training platform to the hard drive of your computer. Having the software be an internet app means you can load up your training portal quickly from any computer as long as there is an internet connection. Avoid training platforms that require you to install the software to your computer. It’s an unnecessary hassle that restricts your ability to use your LMS.

One of the simplest to use and most affordable online training platforms on the web has to be SkyPrep. Check out more interesting training information on their blog.