Online test maker softwares:

Sky prep presents online test maker programmes and learning materials for easy and simpler means of learning. You can easily upload training material on the online website presented by the company. You can add any related content, article or course material for the learners. These materials can be uploaded in the form of PDF formats, or Microsoft word or excel documents. Therefore one can easily take advantage and benefit of these contents. You can also add PowerPoint presentations, videos and much more on it. Once the file got uploaded on the website, you can customize or organize it into various files and folders to make it systematic and well organized enough. Training providers are also facilitated with the provision to create online test and exams for their learners. These exam questions can be formulated in variety of format such as multiple choice questions, true and false questions fill in the blanks questions and writing essay formats. There is an exam manager form where you can create online exams and also administer the whole process very easily and simply. Training providers can also keep a watch on learners at the time of ongoing exams in order to avoid any kind of cheating or fraud. Many of the time business companies find it very difficult to train their employees regarding any specific course which is required or needed for doing a project in best possible manner. Employees find it very uninteresting to learn anything at this stage. But these types of innovative ideas meant